ampion of knightly skills. Hence he was well received by King Mark's royal court, and very cordially welcomed by King Mark's beautiful sister Princess Blancheflor.

During Rivalin's stay at Tintagel an enemy invaded Cornwall. Noble Rivalin joined his host in defending his realm. He fought bravely, but while repelling the invaders he was severely wounded. King Mark's men carried him, half dead, back to Tintagel. The beautiful Princess Blancheflor, hearing that the strange knight lay nearly dead, disguised herself has a medicine woman and thus gained entry to his quarters. Seeing her beloved lying there more dead than alive caused her to swoon, and she fell down beside him, her cheek against his. Slowly regaining consciousness, she took him into her arms and kissed him repeatedly. Her kisses revived him, and as God willed it, they consummated their love, and she conceived a child.

Thus it came to pass that Rivalin recovered completely from his battle wound, although he never would recover from the sweet wound of Blanchefor's love, and that was as it should be.